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Food Safety

Inspector in a white coat holding a tablet. Title of the blog is overlaid on top - Food Safety Audits: How To Prepare For Them To Guarantee 5* Safety

Food Safety Audits: How To Prepare For Them To Guarantee 5* Safety

Food safety audits and Environmental Health inspections can be daunting. However, with proper preparation, you can face them with confidence and ensure your business complies with all necessary food safety standards.We’re here to walk you through the essential steps to prepare for your food safety audits and ensure you maintain that 5* Food Hygiene Rating with ease. What is a Food Safety Audit? First, what is a food safety audit?A food safety audit, or food hygiene inspection,...

E. coli infection bacteria: escherichia coli, with blog title overlaid on top

Rising Cases of E. coli Infection: What You Need to Know

Earlier this month, it was reported that the UK was experiencing an E. coli infection outbreak, with over 100+ reported cases. Since then, the number of people affected has risen to 211, with 147 in England, 35 in Scotland, 27 in Wales and 2 in Northern Ireland.The UK Health Security Agency advises that these reported cases are all part of a single outbreak. They specifically reference ‘Stec 0145’.The exact source of the outbreak is yet...

Unlock Safety Expertise with a Level 2 Food Safety Course

Looking to invest in your team with a Level 2 Food Safety Course?It’s sometimes hard to know what the correct level of training qualification that your employees need. So if you’re unsure, why not read our blog ‘Which Food Hygiene Courses Do I Need? Decoding the Best Level of Training for Your Team’s Success’?However, if you’re a foodservice business then you almost certainly need to invest in a Level 2 Food Safety Course or two...

Background: A laptop with one of Navitas Safety's Food Hygiene Courses on the screen. Foreground: Blog title: 'Which Food Hygiene Courses Do I need? Decoding the Bets Level of Training for Your Team's Success' in white Montserrat

Which Food Hygiene Courses Do I Need? Decoding the Best Level of Training for Your Team’s Success

Food safety and hygiene has always been a critical aspect of running a hospitality business - making food hygiene courses ever important. By training your staff and investing in their development and safety knowledge, you protect your people and your brand. But from temperature monitoring and hazard identification to proper food storage techniques and allergen awareness, there’s understandably a lot on the plate.Then, with the hospitality staffing issues that have been prevalent in the post-pandemic...

Spooky Food Safety Hazards: Avoiding Ghoulish Mishaps this Halloween

Welcome to a spine-tingling journey through the very real realm of food safety hazards, just in time for Halloween.In this blog, we'll delve into the world of spooky food safety hazards, guiding you through the sinister pitfalls that can turn your treats into tricks. So, grab your torch and join us as we shed light on these ghoulish threats!If you enjoy this Halloween content, you might also enjoy our spooky blog about the creepiest latest...

Halloween Creepy Food Ideas for Restaurants: Elevating the Spooky Season

Once upon a time, Halloween was all about donning your favourite costume, enjoying some apple bobbing, or testing out a new culinary creation with the seasonal delight that is the pumpkin.While those experiences certainly have their charm, they might not capture the full eerie essence of Halloween. Fear not, for we have delved into some of the most spine-chilling culinary trends to bring you Halloween spooky food ideas to create a dining experience that embraces...

What to do if you get Food Poisoning on Holiday: A Guide to Staying Safe

Going on holiday is an exciting time filled with new experiences and adventures. However, one unpleasant aspect that can sometimes arise is the possibility of getting food poisoning. You’ve probably seen the recent news about holiday makers being hospitalised due to food poisoning on holiday. So how do you make sure this doesn’t happen to you? Dealing with food poisoning while away from the comfort of home can be challenging. But with the right knowledge and...