Time to meet and celebrate!
Our team is a lovely bunch of people who love doing what they do while keeping you safe. But we also like to have fun and recognise everyone’s dedication to help us grow! While we all enjoy working remotely from the Midlands, Essex, Scotland, Wales and London, there’s something special about meeting your colleagues in real life. So the entire team made its way to Nottingham for a day filled with joy, fun, branded cocktails and delicious Cuban food made by our friends at Revolucion de Cuba.
When you hear ‘Navitas Safety meets up’… bring your compass!
Who doesn’t like a bit of Friday fun? Members were split into different teams and got sent on a quest through Nottingham to explore and bond while bringing back precious memories… and orange items! Also because orange is the new black, of course. It’s with great pride that we can say creativity shouldn’t be underestimated at Navitas Safety. From an orange Crayola to Bic ballpoint pens through a Lucozade bottle and a pack of fried rice… the team has exceeded expectations and gone above and beyond as always!

The ‘Navisquad’ effect
When Navitas Safety meets up, it’s a real thing. Our exponential growth has been widely sustained by the great dynamics and synergies existing between our teams. There’s no two similar souls in our team and everyone’s passion, dedication and commitment to work together create that brilliant ‘Navisquad’ effect. And what better way to illustrate this than branded cocktails, balloons, Cuban tapas, laughter and awards? Emotional hugs, we’ll admit that too! 🥲
Here’s to another great year of team achievements!
Everyone left refreshed from our company meet-up! New friendships were formed, inter- and intra-team communication was reinforced and it never felt so good to wear our beloved orange and pink colours!
Fancy being part of the Navisquad effect?
Join our team! Explore our current vacancies and unleash your potential!